The ghost of the 16th century king begins to tell his dark tale. His life was shadowed by doubt, fear, and paranoia. Once, caught in such a nightmare, he murdered representatives of a renowned noble family, partly even with his own hands, using his dagger. After that terrifying act, he fled in a confused state of mind and shackled by guilt to a small village called Odensala and its surrounding forests, where the devil continued to torment his soul. In that timeless place, at a crossroads, he saw both the past and the future, forced to choose his forthcoming fate.

The king was found in the shadow of those woods, dressed in rough peasant clothes, and was returned to the court.
Then, when the king became engaged to a peasant-born courtesan, his noblemen were horrified. The king sensed their suspicious glances and believed he could smell the conspiracies swirling around him. He planned to kill the untrustworthy nobles at his own wedding. However, the nobles did not attend the celebration but instead freed the king’s brother from prison and carried out a coup under his leadership. Thus, the former king, along with his wife and children, was captured and moved from prison to prison over the years. Eventually, even his family was taken from him, and in his solitude, the former ruler’s fractured mind shattered further.
He still dreamed of returning to the past and of having chosen differently, of fleeing with his family to the place he had often read about in ancient stories: the eastern part of the kingdom, where Noah’s Ark was said to have anchored, where Noah’s descendants landed, and from where he believed his own lineage had originated.
In the end, his own brother, the current ruler, wanted to rid himself of him once and for all and gave him poison. This sealed his fate.