The 15th Century. The archbishop of Catholic Finland carries a heavy burden in his soul, one that traces back to his youthful days as a clergyman. A secret, passionate, and above all, forbidden attachment flared up between him and a young maiden from a manor. Their love burned fiercely, but fate was not kind to them; they were caught.

In accordance with the moral code of the time, the situation was interpreted as the girl having seduced a servant of the church, and she was left to bear the consequences alone. The girl brought the greatest possible shame to her family, and her family members locked her away in the dark cellar of the manor. At that time, she might have already been in a blessed condition. The priest was allowed to retain his position and advance in his career, as long as he forgot the entire incident and left the young girl behind—to suffer her fate alone.
However, the girl, starving in her captivity, could find no peace. Realizing that desperate pleas and prayers could not save her, she had to confront the bitter truth: there was no power in the world that stood to defend or rescue her. There was only darkness and the world’s injustice; everything else had proven to be “beautiful words.” Who knows what dark thoughts she ultimately harbored in her solitude?
The girl died in her inmprosenment, but according to stories, her soul still wanders the grounds of the manor to this day. Her presence has been felt by many generations, even to this day.